Media Research Methods

Course convenor

Léna Pellandini-Simányi

Course content

This course introduces students to qualitative methods of media research. We will discuss competing epistemological paradigms, sampling and data collection methods, data analysis and politics of writing. During the term students will carry out their own media research project and will be encouraged to reflect on the applicability and limitations of different methods.

Indicative reading

Bauer M and Gaskell G. (2000). Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and Sound – A Practical Handbook. London, Sage.

Denzin N. and Lincoln, Y. (1994). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, Sage.

Dijk, T. A. v. (2008 ). A kritikai diskurzuselemzés elvei. Modern szociológiai paradigmák. Némedi D.. Budapest Napvilág.

Gunter, B. (2000). Media research methods. London, Sage.

Stokes, J. C. (2008). A média- és kultúrakutatás gyakorlata. Budapest, Gondolat.