Associate Professor
Holds a doctorate in sociology (2005). Teaches and conducts research in the fields of cultural sociology, media studies and history of Cold War. His research interests and methods are associated with practices, time-spaces, acts and objects of everyday life.
In the 2011-2012 academic year he joins CanterburyChristChurchUniversity’s Department of Media, Art the Design under the Visiting Fellowship scheme of The Leverhulme Trust, he will conduct research on public service content provision in the digital context. In 2006 he was a research fellow at BirkbeckCollegein the Cultures of Consumption Programme, funded jointly by the Economic and Social Research Council and Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK. In 2005 he coauthored the proposal ‚COST A30: East of West: Setting a New Central and Eastern European Media Research Agenda‘) a 4-year international media research cooperation program with a EUR 300.000 budget. In 2002/3 he was a fellow at the International Policy Fellowship of the Center for Policy Studies and the Open Society Institute conducting research on policy implications of media portrayals of social inequalities.
Cultural history and cultural sociology.
The Constructs and Politics of Modern Time
The Genealogy of Modern Norms: Control, Discipline and Normalization
Globalization and Cultual Identity: Dynamics of Cultural Convergences
Media studies, cultural sociology, historical sociology.
“The Financialization of Everyday life or the Domestication of Finance?: How mortgages engage with borrowers’ temporal horizons, relationships and rationality in Hungary”. Coauthors: Léna Pellandini Simányi, Zsuzsanna Vargha. Cultural Studies 29: (56), 2015. pp. 733-759.
사회주의체제하헝가리의청바지 (Jeans in Socialist Hungary) In Blue Jeans, Kang Kyoungpyo and Kim Jinsuk (eds.) Seoul : The National Folk Museum of Korea, 2014. pp. 69-82.
“Nem kellett élt vasalni a farmerbe.” – Mindennapi élet a szocializmusban. Néprajzi Múzeum: Budapest, 2013.
“Smells Like, Sounds Like, Walks Like Public Service Content, But Why It Is not? Community Media In Hungary”. In Ágnes Gulyás, Ferenc Hammer eds. Public Service Media in the Digital Age: International Perspectives. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: CSP, 2013.
“Teenage Metamorphoses: Elements of Change in First-Person Memories about the First Pair of Jeans” In The Everyday of Memory: Between Communism and Postcommunism, edited by Marta Rabikowska. Oxford: Peter Lang (forthcoming 2013)
“Coy Utopia: Politics in the First Hungarian TV Soap” In Anikó Imre, Timothy Havens, Kati Lustyik eds., Popular Television in Eastern Europe During and Since Socialism. New York: Routledge forthcoming
“Jeans” in the three-volume Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture, Dale Southerton ed London: SAGE Inc. 2011
“Magyar Denim. Metamorphoses in the clothing factory.” In Denim: Unraveling Contradictions’ special edition of Textile: the journal of cloth and culture (Oxford: Berg) June 2011
“The Real One. Western brands and competing notions of authenticity in Socialist Hungary.” In Andrew Bevan and David Wengrow (eds.) Cultures of Commodity Branding.Walnut Creek,CA:LeftCoast Press, 2010.
“Sartorial Manoeuvres in the Dusk: Blue Jeans in Socialist Hungary.” In F. Trentmann & K. Soper (eds.) Citizenship and Consumption. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 pp. 51-68. In Spanish: ‚Las Maniobras De La Sastrería En El Ocaso: Los Jeans En La Hungría Socialista‘ Comunicación y Ciudadanía, No. 4, 2010
“The Disadvantaged in Infotainment Television.” In K. Jakubovitz & M Sükösd (eds.) Finding the Right Place On the Map: Central and Eastern European Media Change In Global Perspective. London: Intellect Books, 2008.
Fekete & fehér gyűjtemény. Pozsony: Kalligram, 2007.
Közbeszéd és társadalmi igazságosság. A Fókusz szegénységábrázolásának értelmezése.Budapest: Gondolat, 2006.
“A Gasoline Scented Sindbad – The Truck Driver as a Popular Hero in Socialist Hungary.” Cultural Studies. XVI/1, 2002/január
Ferenc Hammer
Eötvös Loránd University
Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies
1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8., room 36
+36 1 411 6558