Dr András László Pap

Associate Professor

András L. Pap earned a JD. and Ph.D. from ELTE, and an MA and an M.Phil fromCentralEuropeanUniversity. Between 2000 and 2002 he was visiting scholar atNew YorkUniversityLawSchool. Having returned toHungary, he served as Research Librarian at the Hungarian Parliament and visiting Professor at the Law Schools ofPázmányPéterCatholicUniversity,KároliGáspárCalvinistUniversity, andSzéchenyiUniversity. In 2004 he was appointed Associate Professor, in 2006 Full Professor of Law atKodolányiCollege. He is also a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Department for Constitutional Law and Human Rights at theHungarianAcademyof Sciences Institute for Legal Studies, as well as Recurrent Visiting Professor atCentralEuropeanUniversity’s Nationalism Studies Program and the Faculty of Public Administration of Corvinus University inHungary.

In the past years he participated, and in most cases acted as lead researcher, in a number of research projects commissioned by the EU, the Council of Europe, the Open Society Justice Initiative, the International Centre for Democratic Transition, and the Hungarian National Scientific Research Grant. He has been rapporteur for the European Parliament, regional correspondent for the East European Constitutional Review, expert witness at the City ofWestminster Magistrates’ Court, worked for the American Bar Association and the World Bank. He is member and chair of several editorial boards for academic journals and a book series’ inHungary. He has taught over 35 courses, had given over 55 presentations at international academic conferences and has published six books and over 200 articles. His research interests include constitutional law, minority rights and law enforcement issues, surveillance, privacy, and challenges brought by the new digital technology.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

He is a member of the Minority Research Network, the Network on Rights Equality & Diversity, the Association for the Study of Nationalities, and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

He has taught over 35 courses,9 inEnglish. He has given over 55 presentations at international academic conferences and has published six books and over 200 articles.

Areas of Teaching/ Courses Taught

Introduction to constitutional law (BA)

Case studies in communication: Political and constitutional reasoning. Textual and case studies (BA)

The culture of democracy (MA)

Ethnicity and rule of law: From the dilemmas of ethnic identity to the morphology of minority protection (MA)

Cultural and political theory (Ph.D.)

Areas of Supervision

Human rights, constitutional law, minority rights and law enforcement issues, surveillance, privacy, and challenges brought by the new digital technology.

Selected Publications

Constitutional Exceptionalism: Efficacy, Proportionality and the Attenuation of Balancing Standards, In: Synnøve Ugelvik and Barbara Hudson (Eds) ”Justice and Security in the 21st Century: Liberty, Human Rights and the Rule of Law”, Routledge Studies in Liberty and Security, 2011. (forthcoming)

National report forHungaryon Same-sex Marriages (coauthored with Zsolt Körtvélyesi), 18th International Congress on Comparative Law,WashingtonD.C.2010, American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, Vol 19. (2011) No 1. pp. 211-220

Le profilage sur la base de l’appartenance ethnique et de la race dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, la répression et le contrôle aux frontières, In.: Tamás Nótári –Gábor Török (eds.): Prudentia Iuris Gentium Potestate Ünnepi tanulmányok Lamm Vanda tiszteletére (Festschrift for Vanda Lamm) Budapest, 2010, MTA Jogtudományi Intézete, Budapest, pp. 329-340.

The Role of NGOs in the Access to Public Information: Extraordinary Renditions and the Absence of Transparency (Sulyok Mártonnal közösen). In: Mark B. Salter (szerk.) Mapping Transatlantic Security Relations. The EU, Canada and the war on terror., Routledge,London andNew York, 2010, pp. 162-197

Ethno-racial profiling and discrimination in the criminal justice system: Notes on current anti-terrorist legislation and law enforcement measures, Jura XVI. 2010/1, pp. 95-101.

Profiling, Data Mining and Law Enforcement: Definitions, ANNALES, Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Sectio Iuridica Tomus XLX,Budapest pp. 277-301 (2010)

Security, Law Enforcement and Human Rights: Risks and Caveats – The Case of Ethnic Profiling, In: Vesselin Petrov (ed.) The philosophy of security in an insecure world, Proceedings of XXV Varna International Philosophical School, June, 1-3, 2008, Institute for Philosophical Research Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2010, pp. 47-52

Law Enforcement Ethno-Racial Profiling: Concepts and Recommendations. In: Wolfgang Benedek – Wolfram Karl – Anja Mihr – Manfred Nowak (ed.) European Yearbook on Human Rights 2009, Wien, 2009, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 285–296.

Should ethnic data be standardized? Different situations of processing ethnic data (coauthored by Balázs Majtényi). In: Máté Dániel Szabó (ed.) Privacy protection and Minority Rights.Budapest, 2009, Eötvös Károly Policy Institute, pp. 63–88.

Police ethnic profiling in Hungary, European (coauthored by András Kristóf Kádár and Balázs M. Tóth). European Police Science and Research Bulletin CEPOL, European Police College, 2009/2, pp. 4-6.

Transformation in Hungarian Law (Book review) Acta Iuridica Hungarica Vol. 50. 2009/4, pp. 489-493.

A Police Ethnic Profiling in Hungary– An empirical research (coauthored by András Kristóf Kádár). Acta Iuridica Hungarica Vol. 50. 2009/3, pp. 253–267.

Ethnicity- and race-based profiling in counter-terrorism, law enforcement and border control (study). November 2008, Directorate-General Internal Policies, Policy Department C, Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament, Brussels, 2008, PE 408.326 (63 oldal). http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/download.do?language=en&file=29718#search=%20race-based

Minority Rights and Diaspora Claims, ANNALES, Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Sectio Iuridica Tomus XLIX,Budapest, 2008, pp. 335–350.

Introducing the „Efficacy” element into the „Libertyvs. Security” Dilemma. Fundametum, Human Rights Quarterly, English Edition 2008, pp. 91–101.

Human Rights and Ethnic Data Collection in Hungary, Human Rights Review, Vol. 9, Issue 1, March 2008, pp. 109-122.

Racism and Police Stops — Adapting US and British Debates to Continental Europe, European Journal of Criminology, 2008:5 pp. 161-191  (co-authored by Joel Miller, Philip Gounev, Dani Wagman, Anna Balogi, Tihomir Bezlov, Bori Simonovits and Lili Vargha)

Police ethnic profiling in Hungary– Lessons from an international research, Regio, A review of Studies on Minorities, Politics, Society, 2007, Vol. 10. pp. 117-140

Minority Rights and Diaspora Claims: Collision, Interdependence and Loss of Orientation. In: Osamu Idea et al (ed.) Beyond Sovereignty: From Status Law to Transnational Citizenship?, Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 9.Sapporo, 2006,Slavic Research Center,Hokkaido University, pp. 243–254.

Ethnic discrimination and the war against terrorism — The case of Hungary. In: Gábor Halmai (ed.) Hungary: Human Rights in the Face of Terrorism, Special English Edition of Fundanentum, Human Rights Quarterly,: Human Rights Series 1,USA, 2006, Vandeplas Publishing, pp. 31–46

Constitutional Ambiguities Regarding Anti-Terrorist Financial Enforcement Measures– The Case of Hungary, Acta Juridica Hungarica, Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 2006/3 (Vol. 47. No. 3.) 405-425 pp

Criminal Justice and Ethnic Data Collection in Hungary, Acta Juridica Hungarica, Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 2006/2 (Vol. 47. No. 2.) 157-182 pp

The Hungarian Status Law: Nation Building and/or Minority Protection. Acta Juridica, Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 46. 2005/3–4, pp. 287–299.

The Status Law Syndrome: The Hungarian Status Law: Nation Building and/or Minority Protection (review). Central European Political Science Review, Vol. 5. No. 16 (2005), pp.99–106.

The Status Law Syndrome. Regio 2005/8, pp. 185–206.

Contact Details

Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies

Department of Media and Communication
Eötvös Loránd University
Mail: Múzeum krt. 6-8., 1088 Budapest, Hungary

E-mail:.pap _at_ emc.elte.hu

Personal website: http://media.elte.hu/en/about-the-department/faculty/dr-andras-laszlo-pap/