Research areas

The Department of Media and Communication has an active and diverse research culture. Faculty members come from different disciplinary backgrounds and their research falls into a wide range of areas from sociology, cultural studies to aesthetics, literary studies, art history, philosophy and law.

Péter György, one of the founding members of the Department and current head of the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies for specialises on contemporary art and museum studies. Nikoletta Házas focuses on contemporary art and the visual aspects of mass communication. Anna Gácsresearches contemporary literature, with an emphasis on adaptation. Katalin Orbán’s research focuses on the narrative representation of memory, while András Müllner’s field is neoavantgarde art as well as media and communication theory. Ferenc Hammer is a sociologist and uses cultural studies and the material culture approach to understand a wide range of contemporary practices from blue jeans to board games. Léna Pellandini-Simányi is also a sociologist, whose work looks at consumption and everyday ethics using the material culture approach and actor-network-theory.

Zsolt K. Horváth and Farkas Noémi are historians. Zsolt specialises on socialism in Hungary and Europe, while Noémi’s main field is the socio-cultural history of Transylvania in the 18th and 19th century. Henrik Hargitai specialises on the history of electronic and print media and radio broadcasting.Mihály Szilágyi-Gál’s field is political philosophy, while András László Pap’s research looks at constitutional law and human rights.