Marshall McLuhan Message - BUDAPEST


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Friday, November 11, 2011

9.00-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.15 Welcome
Dr. Károly Krisztina vice-dean, ELTE Faculty of Humanities
Dr. György Péter head at the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies

10.15-11.00 Keynote Speeches (in Hungarian)
Chair: Müllner András

Halász László (Institue for Psichology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
McLuhan is the Message
cloud: identity, prophecy, intuition, collage, cultural studies and psychology

Z. Karvalics László (University of Szeged)
McLuhan in the history of Information Society theory
cloud: scientific public speech, paradigm shift in civilization

11.30-12.00 Discussion

12.00-12.30 Coffee break

12.30-14.00 Section "Media, politics, and ethics"
Chair: Jana Mangold

Brindusa Armanca (Romanian Cultural Institute Budapest; State University Arad)
McLuhan via Murdoch: the changing media ethics
cloud: journalism, social condition, ethics

Robert Imre (Politics and International Relations, Newcastle Business School; Centre for Institutional and Organisational Studies [CIOS]; Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Business and Law; The University of Newcastle)
Cyber-active! Civil Society, Technology, and Contemporary Revolution
cloud: communication technology and political change, post-Cold War 'revolutions', negative majoritarianism

Bronwyn-Patricia McDonald (Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Newcastle)
Iris Marion Young's communicative ethics: articulations of difference in the global village
cloud: normative theory of communication, Iris Marion Young, political philosophy, communicative ethics

14.00-15.30 Lunch

15.30-17.00 Section "Culture and media"
Chair: Robert Imre

Jana Mangold (Literary and Media Studies, University of Erfurt, Germany)
Rhetorical and Grammatical Messages Underlying McLuhan's Media
cloud: The Mechanical Bride, popular culture, literary and linguistic theory

James F. McDonald (English and Intercultural Communication, University of Applied Sciences, Ingolstadt, Germany)
Animating McLuhan's Media: McLuhan's Message in Contemporary Cultural Studies
cloud: cultural studies, structural model, multidimensional model, Understanding Media, orchestra-metaphor, animating media

Dmitry L. Strovsky (Journalism Faculty, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Media globalization and its influence on national information spaces: following the McLuhan's approach
cloud: global media, national media, media effect, media market, "native"/"alien" media cultures, Russia, information partisanship, national information politics

17.00-17.30 Coffee break

17.30-19.00 Section "Art and media"
Chair: James F. McDonald

Domenico Cuomo (Communication and New Media, University IULM of Milan, Italy)
From Giotto to McLuhan: no longer scared of torture in the Global Village
cloud: visual representation, torture, Abu Ghraib, medieval sacral paintings, media effect

Gárdonyi László (Eötvös Loránd University, Art Theory)
Addressing Art History
cloud: W. J. T. Mitchell, art history, meta-pictorial quality, medium hermeneutics

Saida Beknazarova (Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan)
The process of integration: the elements of media education in university's disciplines
cloud: distance media education

Saturday, November 12, 2011

9.00-10.00 Keynote Speech
Chair: Bak Árpád

Nina Czeglédy (Senior Fellow, KMDI, University of Toronto, Canada; Adjunct Associate Professor, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada; Senior Fellow, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary)
Visionaries of electromagnetic imagination: Nikola Tesla and Marshall McLuhan
cloud: magnetism and electricity, Nikola Tesla, electrical vibrations, connectivity, global village

10.00-12.00 "Society, popular culture, mediatheroies"
Chair: Batta Barnabás

Urbán Csilla (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Participative culture - utopy or reality?
cloud: tribalism, unity, new media

Hudra Árpád (freelance journalist, philosopher)
McLuhan watches you
cloud: paradoxes of McLuhan, mass culture, mass media

Túry György (Budapest College of Communication and Business)
McLuhan and Cultural Studies
cloud: electric culture, humanist scholar, global media - global culture, cultural studies

Pólya Tamás (Institue of Communication and Media Studies, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger)
A look at the global village after technological determinism: On the social impact of digital media from a medium theory perspective
cloud: media effect, extension, barrier, digital age

12.00-12.30 Coffee break

12.30-14.00 "New media and appropriation"
Chair: Túry György

Doboviczki Attila (Institue of Communication and Media Studies, University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities)
Médiahasználatok, médium-értelmezések a Pécsi Műhely munkásságában
cloud: Pécsi Műhely, neo-avant-garde media appropriation, Toronto School

Voloncs Laura Zsófia (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
A The Medium is the Massage című rádiótanulmány elemzése
cloud: radio play, philosophy, montage

Hargitai Henrik (Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities, Budapest)
Tipography in the McLuhanist rear-view mirror, and beyond
cloud: Gutenberg Galaxy, rear-view mirror, book and e-typography

14.00-15.30 Lunch

15.30-17.00 "Content production"
Chair: Hargitai Henrik

Batta Barnabás (Mitte Communication, MKTT médiatudományi szekció)
"(Message was) sent from my I-phone". A márka maga az üzenet - avagy a globális médiatér "felcímkézése"
cloud: integral communication networks, brand communication

Dragon Zoltán (Institute of English and American Studies, and Digital Culture and Digital Theories Research Group, University of Szeged)
The metamedium does not send any messages - or beyond remedialization
cloud: Lev Manovich, medial boundaries, remediation, interface, content production

Galántai Zoltán (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Life after Mcluhan: from a futures researcher's point of view
cloud: future investigation, information revolution, storage and transport of information, content production

17.00-17.30 Coffee break

17.30-19.30 "Representation, mediated self, decunstraction"
Chair: Dragon Zoltán

Fehér Katalin (Budapest Business School)
The Message Is Me
cloud: new media, mediated self, representation

Hermann Veronika (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest)
Az én médiatechnológiái - A test mint hideg médium a kortárs kultúrában
cloud: fashion, identity, performativity, Foucault, "technologies of the self"

Smid Róbert (ELTE, Budapest - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
A derridai írás színterei: jelölő kontra médium?
cloud: deconstruction, writing, medium, archive, cybernetics

Müllner András (ELTE BTK MMI, Budapest - Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities, Budapest)
Az ember definíciója McLuhannál: amputáció, protézis, kiterjesztés
cloud: unified mankind, equalization, media, violence

Lectures of the first day will be presented in English (with the exception of the very first lecture), and lectures of the second day will be presented in Hungarian (although some of them will be completed with English slides). However, there is also one exception on the second day: Nina Czeglédy will deliver her lecture in English.
