“Debt trails: Mapping relations of debt and credit from everyday actors to global credit markets”
with Paul Langley and Liz McFall
3-4 March 2016, Budapest, Hungary, ELTE University
The workshop is supported by the Journal of Cultural Economy and the Hungarian Scientific Research Funds (OTKA) and is hosted by the Department of Media and Communication, ELTE University, as part of the project “Mortgage, rationality and visions of the future”.
The Call for Papers is now closed.
Organizers: Léna Pellandini-Simányi (ELTE), Ferenc Hammer (ELTE) and Zsuzsanna Vargha (University of Leicester, UK and MIT, US) and Noémi Farkas (ELTE)
Featured event:
Discussion between
Liz McFall (Open University) and Paul Langley (Durham University)
3 March, 2016. 16.00 – 17.30
Location: ELTE-BTK, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/d, D building, Lower ground “Conference room” (Alagsori előadó) (How to get there?)
Liz McFall is Head of the Department of Sociology at the Open University and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cultural Economy. Her research has traced the making of diverse consumer markets, including the market for health insurance and payday loans, using pragmatic, historical and cultural economy approaches. Her books include Advertising: A Cultural Economy (Sage, 2004), Conduct: sociology and social worlds (Manchester University Press, 2008), Devising Consumption: cultural economies of insurance, credit and spending (Routledge, 2014) and Market and The Arts of Attachment (Routledge, 2016).
Paul Langley is Reader in Economic Geography at Durham University. His research combines cultural economy and economic geography approaches to understand financial markets, including everyday credit and savings, sub-prime mortgages, financial regulation and alternative forms of finance. He is author of the books World Financial Orders (Routledge, 2002), The Everyday Life of Global Finance (Oxford University Press, 2008) and Liquidity Lost (Oxford University Press, 2015).
Further information: Fanni Mohai (fannimohai@webmail.elte.hu)
All sessions and coffee breaks will take place in the lower ground “Conference room” of the D building, ELTE Múzeum körút campus (Múzeum körút 4/D, 1088). (How to get there?)
Lunch location: Ruben restaurant (Magyar u. 12-14, 1053) (How to get there?)
Dinner location: Kőleves restaurant (Kazinczy u. 41, 1075) (How to get there?)
3 March, 2016
9:30 -11:00 Session 1. Domestic circuits
Tomáš Samec: Meanings of debt and credit in the post-socialist housing market: the issue of inter-generational financial transfers and mortgages in the case of the Czech Republic
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, tomas.samec@soc.cas.cz
Alejandro Marambio-Tapia: The retail-banking expansion in Chile and the “democratisation” of credit: juggling with aspirations, ethics, and cards
University of Manchester, UK, alejandro.marambio-tapia@manchester.ac.uk
Judit Durst: Juggling with debts, moneylenders and local petty monarchs: Banking the unbanked in ‘shanty-villages’ in Hungary
University College London, UK, judit_durst@yahoo.co.uk
11:20-12:50 Session 2. Trailing methods
Erin Taylor: Ethnographic approaches to financial systems: Integrating analysis of credit and debt across scale and context
Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, erin@erinbtaylor.com
Léna Pellandini-Simányi1, Zsuzsanna Vargha2 and Ferenc Hammer1: Mapping relations of debt and credit in the Hungarian mortgage market
1: Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, simanyi.lena@btk.elte.hu; hammer.ferenc@btk.elte.hu; 2: University of Leicester, UK and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, zv@leicester.ac.uk
Joe Deville1, José Ossandón2, Mariana Luzzi3, Jeanne Lazarus4: Domesticizing financial economies: between market devices and everyday calculation
1: Lancaster University, UK, joedeville@gmail.com; 2: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, jo.ioa@cbs.dk; 3: Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina, mariana.luzzi@gmail.com; 4: Sciences Po, Paris, Jeanne.lazarus@sciencespo.fr
Mareike Beck: The debt trail of microfinance: from local microfinance institutions to global investment banks
University of Sussex, UK, M.Beck@sussex.ac.uk
14:10-15:40 Session 3. Trailing debt through states and markets
Leonard Seabrooke1 and Dorothee Bohle2: European Housing Markets and Transnational Financial Regulation
1: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, ls.dbp@cbs.dk; 2: Central European University, Hungary, bohled@ceu.hu
Marcus Wolf: The political voice of everyday finance – debtor and creditor organizations in post-crisis financial regulation
University of Bremen, Germany, marcus.wolf@uni-bremen.de
Felipe Gonzalez: Financialization and the Politics of Debt in Chile: Understanding Distributional Conflicts from Below
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, and Fondecyt, Chile, felipe.gonzaleztkd@gmail.com
Zsuzsanna Pósfai: Tracing Hungarian Mortgages
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary, posfai.zsuzsi@gmail.com
16:00-17:30 KEYNOTE exchange between Liz McFall and Paul Langley
4 March, 2016
9:30 -11:00 Session 4. Marketing, measuring, regaining credit
Bartholomew Paudyn: Financial Engineering and the Performative Political Economy of Creditworthiness through Risk and Uncertainty: The Self-Generative Effects of Ratings on their Agencies
University of Victoria, Canada and London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, b.paudyn@lse.ac.uk
Galina Andreeva: Credit Scoring: principles, scope of information, challenges and consequences
University of Edinburgh Business School, UK, Galina.Andreeva@ed.ac.uk
Orsi Husz: Domesticizing consumer credit or creating a debit card nation?: The marketing of credit cards in 1960s and 1970s Sweden
Uppsala University, Sweden, orsi.husz@ekhist.uu.se
Samuel Kirwan: Advising the national debt: practice, legality and subjectivity in the Citizens Advice service
University of Bristol, UK, samuel.kirwan@bristol.ac.uk
11:20-12:50 Session 5. Global value chains of debt
Anna Glasmacher: The “production chain” of securitization in the Netherlands
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, A.U.A.Glasmacher@uva.nl
Sebastian Möller: Local governments & global finance: Municipal engagement in the derivative market (WINNER OF THE WORKSHOP’S PHD GRANT)
University of Bremen, Germany, smoeller@uni-bremen.de
Marek Mikuš: Debt, Class and Moral Economy in Post-Credit Boom Croatia
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany, mikus@eth.mpg.de
Lauren Tooker and Chris Clarke: Mapping Everyday Debt and Credit Trails in Relational Finance
University of Warwick, UK, l.tooker@warwick.ac.uk; c.d.clarke@warwick.ac.u
14:10-15:00 Closing plenary