Art history. The Hungarian Neoavantgarde Activity (1960-1980)

Course convenor

András Müllner

Course content

The course familiarizes students with the key aspects of the Hungarian Neoavantgarde. Throughout the course students will discuss different kinds of artwork, including photos, installations, performances and films. Special attention will be devoted to Hungarian experimental films such as Version by Miklós Erdély and Self-Fashion-Show by Tibor Hajas. The former is an adaptation from a documentary novel on the last blood libel in Europe, while the latter is a quasi-documentary from 1976, Budapest.

Indicative reading

Peter Wollen: „Ontology” and „Materialism” in Film, in P.W.: Readings and Writings. Semiotic Counter-Strategies, London, Verso, 1982, 189-207.

Miklós Erdély: Version (a film with English subtitles)

András Müllner: Images as Phantasms (document)

Tibor Hajas: Self-Fashion-Show (a film with English subtitles)

András Müllner: The Fiction of ‘Bare Life’. How performatives function in Hungarian neo-avantgarde works of art, Documenta Magazines Online Journal; see

András Müllner: Films not Shot but Bloodied: „Material” Projections in Hungarian Experimental Films and Neoavantgarde Works, in Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Words and Images on the Screen: Language, Literature and Moving Pictures, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, 228-241. (document)

Miklós Erdély (catalogue), Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien – Kisterem, Budapest –, Budapest – Miklós Erdély Foundation (EMA), Budapest (document)

Hajas Tibor 1946 – 1980, magyar műhely – d’atelier – paris, 1985.

Hajas Tibor 1946 – 1980 (Emlékkiállítás), Ernst Múzeum, Budapest, 1997. [Tibor Hajas 1946 – 1980, Memorial Exhibiton, Ernst Museum, Budapest, 1997.]

Tibor Hajas: Kényszerleszállás, Ludwig Múzeum Kortárs Művészetek Múzeuma, 2005. június 16 – szeptember 4. [Tibor Hajas: Emergency Landing, Museum of Contemporary Art, 16 June – 4 September, 2005]