Associate Professor
András Müllner is associate professor holding a PhD in Literary Theory (2001). His main research interest is Hungarian neo-avant-garde art. Another of his main focuses is the theory of media, or more exactly, the ideology of media and communication, and their special connection to literature and philosophy respectively.
Professional Activities & Affiliations
Müllner had been an assistant professor previously at the Department of Comparative Literature at University of Szeged until 2007, when he was invited at the Department of Media and Communication at ELTE, Budapest. Until recently he has been involved in several projects aimed at exploring the characteristics of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde. With the supports of different scholarships (CEEPUS, NKA, OTKA, Bolyai) he works on the ouvre of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde master figure, Miklós Erdély. He is the curator of Artpool Art Research Center.
Areas of Teaching/ Courses Taught
Representation of minorities
Avantgarde, mediality, ideology criticism
Media and performativity
Areas of Supervision
Media and communication studies, critical theory
Selected Publications
Lectures and papers in English
András Müllner – Andrea Pócsik: (Re)Screening the Roma Subaltern. Post-Socialist Visuals of Roma life in Hungary under the socialist era, lecture at Screening Memories international conference, ELTE, 09/20-22/2014
Minority Representation in the Hungarian Cinema. Series of lectures at CEFET (Centro Federal de Educacão Technológica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil), 10/20-24/2014
Representation of Jewish Minority in Hungarian Experimental Film under the Socialist Regime (Miklós Erdély: Version), Erasmus-lecture at Bilgi University (Istanbul, Turkey), 5/21/2014
Erste Patterns-workshop, Wien, 11/15-17/2013
„Bug collection”. Articulations of terror in the Hungarian neo-avant-garde, Terror(ism) and Aesthetics Conference University of Szeged (September 22-23, 2011.) Forthcoming publication on the website of the conference:
New Tribalism. Marshall McLuhan and the Oedipus-myth, „McLuhan Messages” International Conference, ELTE University, 11-12th of November, 2011.
Politics of Montage. Neo-Avant-Garde Traits in Hungarian Experimental Films, trans. Dániel Sípos, English version of the Hungarian paper published in Gábor Gelencsér (ed.): BBS 50. A Balázs Béla Stúdió 50 éve [BBS50. 50 Years of the BBS], Műcsarnok [Kunsthalle] -Balázs Béla Stúdió, Budapest, 2009, 129-142.
Films not Shot but Bloodied: “Material” Projections in Hungarian Experimental Films and Neoavantgarde Works, in Ágnes Pethő(ed.): Words and Images on the Screen: Language, Literature and Moving Pictures, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, 228-241.
The Fiction of „Bare Life”. How performatives function in Hungarian neo-avantgarde works of art, Documenta Magazines Online Journal és documenta12 magazines, trans. Dániel Sípos, URL:
Mythical light and allegorical detachment in performance. A Mediterranean matter and a Hungarian performer – Tibor Hajas, in Ales Erjavec – Lev Kreft (eds.): Imagination, Sensuality, Art, Slovensko drustvo za estetico, Ljubljana, 2007, 136-139. (Proceedings of the III. Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics, Protoroz, Slovenija, 20-23d September, 2006.)
Dracula Embedded. Phantasmal Images of Blood Abuse in a Hungarian Experimental Film (Miklós Erdély: Version). (Unpublished version of the lecture „Images as phantasms. The proceedings of a Hungarian experimental film in adaptation”, „Cultures of Translation: Adaptation in Film and Performance” Conference, University of Glamorgan, Cardiff, 26-28th of July, 2008)
The first happening. The sketchy history of the Hungarian neo-avantgarde performance art (Unpublished English version of the Hungarian paper published in Pál Deréky – András Müllner (eds.): Né/ma? Tanulmányok a magyar neoavantgárd köréből [Numb. Esssays on the Hungarian Neo-avantgarde], Ráció, 2004, 182-204.)
Rátévedések – a romantikában, a neoavantgárdban és más területeken. (Fogarasi Györggyel közösen.) Ictus Kiadó és JATE Irodalomelmélet Csoport,Szeged, 1998.
[Straying – in Romanticism, Neo-Avant-garde and other Places]
A császár új ruhája. Esszék a könyv és a hipertext kapcsolatáról, valamint más médiumokról, Jószöveg Kiadó,Budapest, 2007.
[The Emperor’s New Clothes. Essays on the Relationship between Book and Hypertext, and on Other Media]
Müllner’s forthcoming books are on poetic and filmic ouvre of Miklós Erdély: Ellenállás a történelemnek (Resistance to History) and Montázspolitika (Politics of Montage).
A változás kultúrái. Művészet, média és rendszerváltás, L’Harmattan – Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Művészetelméleti és Médiakutatási Intézet,Budapest, 2011.
[Cultures of Change. Art, Media and System Change]
„Allegorikus impulzusok”, Enigma, 2011, no. 66-67.
[Allegorical Impulses – a selection with an Introduction and with a case study on Miklós Erdély]
Thematic issue on Miklós Erdély, Metropolis, 2007/4.
Né/ma? Tanulmányok a magyar neoavantgárd köréből. Co-editor: Deréky Pál, Ráció Kiadó, 2004, internet:
[Mute? Papers on Hungarian Neo-Avant-Garde]
Saját hangja?
[Own Voice?]
Montázspolitika. Neoavantgárd nyomok magyar experimentális filmekben, in Gelencsér Gábor (szerk.): BBS 50. A Balázs Béla Stúdió 50 éve, Műcsarnok – Balázs Béla Stúdió, 2009, 129-142.
[Politics of Montage. Neo-Avant-Garde Traits in Hungarian Experimental Films, trans. by Dániel Sipos – forthcoming]
Films not Shot but Bloodied: „Material” Projections in Hungarian Experimental Films and Neoavantgarde Works, in Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Words and Images on the Screen: Language, Literature and Moving Pictures, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, 228-241.
A filmes performativitás. Erdély Miklós vetítései, Metropolis, 2007/4 (XI. évf. 4. sz.), 24-44.
[The Filmic Performativity. Projections by Miklós Erdély]
Mythical light and allegorical detachment in performance. A Mediterranean matter and a Hungarian performer – Tibor Hajas, in Ales Erjavec – Lev Kreft (eds.): Imagination, Sensuality, Art (Proceedings of the III. Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics, Protoroz, Slovenija, 20-23, September 2006.), Slovensko drustvo za estetico,Ljubljana, 2007, 136-139.
Translations into Hungarian
Craig Owens: Az allegorikus impulzus. Egy posztmodern elmélet felé (1-2. rész), ford. Müllner András, Enigma, 2011, no. 66-67.
[The Allegorical Impulse. Toward a Theory of Postmodernism, part 1-2.]
Benjamin H.D. Buchloh: Allegorikus folyamatok. Kisajátítás és montázs a kortárs művészetben, ford. Müllner András, Enigma, 2011. no. 66.
[Allegorical Procedures: Appropriation and Montage in Contemporary Art]
Andrew Parker – Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick: Performativitás és performancia, internet:
[Performativity and Performance. An Introduction]
Peter Wollen: „Ontológia” és „materializmus” a filmben, ford. Müllner András, Apertúra (Filmelméleti és filmtörténeti szakfolyóirat), 2010. tavasz; internet:
[„Ontology” and „Materialism” in Film]
Peter Wollen: A két avantgárd, Apertúra filmelméleti és filmtörténeti szakfolyóirat, 2006. tél (2. szám)
[The Two Avant-Gardes]
Müllner’s short reviews can be read on the webpage of the Revizor and the Tranzitblog.
Contact Details
Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies
Department of Communication and Media Studies
Eötvös Loránd University
Mail: Múzeum krt. 6-8., 1088 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: mullner _at_
Phone: +36-1-411-65-58
Personal website: